Today at about 10:30am I was sitting on the john doing my daily duty (which I had missed doing the day before). This was a welcome sign of relief as I was feeling a bit constipated and because of my constipation I had two bowls of raisin bran before going to bed. It usually takes a few minutes of sitting on the john doing a crossword or reading the newspaper before my bowels start to move. However, once my cheeks hit the toilet seat a huge load was expelled. When I flushed, the huge (one piece) turd rolled over once and then lodged itself in the trap, leaving half of it exposed to view. I rolled off some TP and prepared to wipe, but before I could I was seized with the urge to evacuate once more. Suddenly another huge turd (loose) was deposited atop the half that remained from my first effort. I followed this with emptying my bladder which has always indicated that my trip to the john had reached its conclusion. I was amazed when my stomach growled, followed by a significant fart, and another loosely formed turd eased out to top the other two!
Before wiping, I thought I should take a look to see if my three deposits were flushable and for the first time in my 55 years I saw vapors rising from the scene of the crime! I've been frantically searching the web ever since trying to find any info on this phenomena and have yet to find anything about it. My own postulations of the matter have lead me to three possible explanations:- It could have been vapor caused by the pungency and foul odor of the mess!
- It could have been steam, however I live in San Diego and the air and water temperature were in the mid 50s.
- It could have been "the smoking gun", whatever that signifies.
- What would Dear Abbie's advice be about if I did flush and I had an overflow would it be proper manners to get the neighbor who absconded with my trusty plunger over to clean the foul mess up?