Monday, October 01, 2012

October 1, 2012

The New Cell Phone Etiquette, or

How You Can Find Your Status Level With Someone Using a Cell Phone

What happened to the days when you were speaking to someone, person to person, when you were interrupted by a telephone call to the person you were speaking with, which they politely asked the caller to, “please hold”, so they could continue the conversation they were having with you? This is very unlikely to happen at a place of business where you are held a captive customer, such as an auto parts store, where the likely scenario is you are made to wait while they continue talking to their caller. Taken a notch further up the communication ladder, what if this person receives a call on their cell phone? Are you made to wait, or do they ask their caller to wait? If you're made to wait, you can figure you status level with that person is at a very low level, and if they ask their caller to wait, your have a high status level. Most people do not like to be made to wait when interrupted by something that arises from the outside world, no matter what the importance of the interruption might be.

I, personally, do not own a cell phone, so I'm never interrupted by a call while I'm speaking with someone. However, what about you cell phone owners who may read this, how do you handle calls that interrupt face to face conversations? Who do you ask to wait, or who do you ask to hold?

Friday, August 31, 2012

I am very unhappy with President Obama's performance during his first four years in office and had entertained thoughts of voting for the Republican candidate, Mitt Romney, in the upcoming election. However, after watching Dirty Hairy shucking and jiving the Republican National Convention followed with Mitt's acceptance speech, I've decided to vote for Obama.
Damn, watch Mitt walk, he has no spine! Stiff as a board! I Listened to him give the most important speech of his political life and I was flabbergasted. What a NITT WITT! He had the chance to put all the political bull shit aside and tell America about his plan of turning our economy around, creating decent paying jobs, getting out of Afghanistan, cutting the deficit, reducing government spending, lowering gas prices, creating campaign reform which excludes taking donations and accepting perks from PACs, pass legislation banning assault weapons, slash defense spending, increase education spending, pass legislation to regulate Wall Street. etc,. etc!
But no! We got Whimp Romney's spiel about his church and family! I could care less. He should have embraced the people who Occupied Wall Street and united them into a force to Occupy Congress! No more cronyism, no more PAC money, limit the lobbyists ability to influence key legislation. Require Congressmen and Senators to use online polls of their constituency before they cast their votes. Allow anyone serving time in prison for non-violent crimes the opportunity to join Conservation Corps Camps so they can earn some money along with reducing their sentences. Require hospitals, pharmaceutical companies, and medical personnel to donate a certain percentage of their time or profits for the benefit of the uninsured!
Get off your ass Barak,
and start to rock.
Quit being so nice to your opponets,
treat them like undesirable rodents!
Tell 'em how its going to be,
Politics is going to be vermin free!
No more freebies,
No more perks,
For all the riffraff beltway jerks!
Embrace the occupiers,
the disenfranchised,
tax all products containing sugar and corn syrup 100%,
for they are the cause of our children's obesity and diabetes!
Subsidize small organic farmers,
not the huge conglomerates that taint our fruits and vegetables!
No more wars, no more drones,
be aware of our enemies,
but leave them alone!