Thursday, September 14, 2006

The Charlie Rose Show

Thursday, September 14, 2006

David Remnick, editor of the New Yorker has a keen view of ex-President Bill Clinton's current life, but he fails to mention, nor does Charlie Rose ask about how the status of Clinton's golf game. I want to know how often he gets to play these days, at which courses, and what his handicap is!

One thing about Clinton, even though the right wing was trying their damnest to scandalize him throughout the “White Water” debacle, he and his administration were transparent. He had credibility, even though he lied about Monica Lewinsky, which in my opinion, is understandable and forgiveable. Whereas, current President G.W. Bush and his administration cannot be believed. America will have to pay for Bush's, and all his cronies, lies for decades to come!