Tuesday, November 24, 2009

I think that President Obama is a very intelligent man! I'm sure that he has read about the history of Afghanistan! I don't understand his reasoning about sending more troops to Afghanistan. Throughout recorded history, every country that has involved itself with Afghanistan's internal affairs has come out a LOSER! Why does Obama think that he will be able to come out a WINNER! Please, Mr. Obama, do not send our troops into a unwinnable quagmire! If I were making the decisions in Washington D.C., I would get out of Afghanistan as soon as I could! The leadership is corrupt and so is the culture! I think that the best way to help Afghanistan is through foreign aid, not with military strength. Educate the masses and let them decide how they wish their country to be governed. If the Taliban should come back into power we will be able to contain their influence abroad. If the Taliban is stupid enough to provide a safe haven for Al Quaeda, send in air strikes or missiles to eliminate them. Boycott all trade with Afghanistan if the Taliban comes to power! Within 10 years the people of Afghanistan will overthrow the Taliban with their own revolution! They are the only ones who can win! Mr. Obama, yes, I agree with your idealistic hopes for Afghanistan, but the grim reality of the situation should dictate that you extract our troops from this God forsaken country!