Thursday, October 12, 2006

RAM: Remaking American medicine health care quality improvement These people have made a four part series airing on PBS that I highly recommend! Tonight's episode made some glaring facts known to me that I had no idea existed. For instance: Only 20% of America's MDs use computers as a part of their practice; and it would take 10 to 20 years to have a national healthcare network in place! How can that be? Hospitals and health insurance providers are the culprits. Whenever a doctor hospitalizes a patient he manual writes a medical report in which he proscribes treatment and medications. (This brings up the bad joke about trying to read a doctor's handwriting.) He gives this report to a nurse who enters it into a computer which means that there are many errors made in the transcription. What is needed is software that would allow the doctor to enter this information himself. 10 to 20 years before there could be a national health network setup! Do you think that the Pentagon would wait any longer than a year? C'mon, America! It's time to demand that our representatives in Washington begin spending our tax dollars on Americans! Not on killing innocent people in Iraq!

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